First line of defence

Wrays Lawyers are experts in providing advice and representation on all aspects of intellectual property, whether it be contentious or non-contentious. We help our clients establish IP protection, and defend and enforce their rights through litigation and arbitration support, as well as practical and professional advice relating to licensing, contracts and commercial law.

Patent Litigation

Our patent litigation team, have decades of combined experience in the field of patent litigation and associated patent disputes. These leaders and their wider team constitute our highly respected, Australian patent litigation team.

They regularly represent and advise listed Australian and international companies on all aspects of patent disputes including:

  • Provision of infringement and validity advice (for both litigation and FTO purposes)
  • Federal court litigation
  • Oppositions and applications for re-examination
  • Amendment applications ( both pre and post litigation)

Trade Mark Litigation

Trade mark litigation in Australia is a complicated area of the law; overlapping the common law of passing off and the misleading and deceptive conduct provisions of the Competition and Consumer Act.

Wrays team of highly skilled trade mark litigators frequently appear as counsel, sometimes instructed by other law firms, in trade mark disputes due to our extensive expertise in this area.

Copyright Litigation

Copyright in Australia is a difficult and complex area, and is not just an issue for the creative industries. Our team has acted for Australian and international companies in numerous copyright and moral rights disputes and provides advice on risk mitigation around copyright.

The Team

Executive Chairman, Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Litigation
Special Counsel
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Life Sciences
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Formalities
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - International
Special Counsel
Senior Associate