Innovation in Resources as a Megatrend

Author: Peter Caporn, Principal

The application of new technologies in the resources sector has been identified as a key element in one of 5 “megatrends” in a report titled “Megatrends 2015 Making sense of a world in motion” and published by EY.  New technologies are allowing access to previously unavailable resources and have the potential to impact future supply in a significant manner.  It’s all very high level stuff but shouldn’t be overlooked as this view certainly aligns with our experience at Wrays.  Despite the short term impacts of commodity prices, exchange rates and changes in governments and legislation, the mid to long term picture is heavily impacted by the increased innovation in the resources sector.  The real trick is in recognising that innovation, harnessing it (protecting it?), rewarding it and profiting from it.  The EY report can be accessed here.

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