A multifaceted approach to patent protection

Obtaining patent protection is critical for an organisation of any size. It protects your competitive position, aids in securing revenue streams and recognises intellectual ingenuity. Our team of patent attorneys bring a ‘hands on’ understanding and approach gained through their various backgrounds across science, engineering and technology backgrounds. This gives us a great depth of expertise to cover innovation in almost all industry areas, including life sciences, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, chemistry, resources, branding and creative, mechanical and electrical engineering fields.

Our goal – protect, grow, defend.

We work with our clients on the development of their local and international patent strategy, ensuring robust protection and growth across the entire life cycle of a patent.

Bringing significant experience in defending and enforcing our clients’ rights in patent oppositions and disputes, we also prepare knowledge based, accurate patent specifications and design applications locally and overseas. This includes advising on the patentability of new technologies, as well as cost-effective and commercially relevant strategies to get the most value from your commercial assets. We also advise on managing risks associated with infringement of rights owned by competitors and other companies, as well as monitoring competitor activity where it’s needed.

Wrays’ patent attorneys offer a full spectrum of patent services, including:

  • Clearance searches for your technology
  • Structuring business considerations to enhance your IP value and return
  • Preparation, filing and prosecution of patent applications
  • Patent watching services (monitoring and surveillance of patent landscapes)
  • Patent oppositions (for patentees or third parties)
  • Patent litigation (for patent applicants and third parties)
  • Due diligence
  • IP audits
  • Portfolio management
  • Patent validity investigations

The Team

Senior Patent Consultant
Technical Assistant
Executive Chairman, Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Litigation
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Chemical
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Life Sciences
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Formalities
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Management & Strategic Services
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - International
Principal & National Practice Group Leader - Engineering & Technology
Special Counsel
Senior Associate
Senior Associate