Wrays assists innovative new project to develop entrepreneurial tools for developing communities

Joe Seisdedos from the Sydney Office attended the inaugural “Entrepreneurial Cockpit” meeting, held as part of the Vivid festival at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney. The Entrepreneurial Cockpit is an ambitious project conceived by Richard Seymour of the University of Sydney and developed into a joint initiative involving students and academics from Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) and The University of Sydney Business School (Innovation and Enterprise Program), plus support and input from multiple industries, the not-for-profit sector, communities and their leaders.

The project aims to develop a tool that provides a simplified map of how to run a business. It will direct business owners and entrepreneurs through the usually complex management systems and processes using a highly graphical interface, that is interactive and intuitive to use, while still delivering accurate and necessary outputs, information, and reports required by multiple stakeholders, and to inform strategic decision making. Modules will include book-keeping (cash flow), management prompts and questions, logistics and distributions, customers and marketing, amongst others. These modules will not be siloed according to disciplines, but rather holistic tools enabling the user to manage and track the common daily, monthly, and yearly issues, operations and requirements in small business.

Intended end-users include Indigenous Australians and women entrepreneurs in developing countries who could use this highly visual and instinctual interface to accurately manage their businesses.

While the project is in an early planning phase, it has already received interest from a large number of multinationals in the electronics and finance spaces. Wrays is proud to be a foundational partner, providing input into the running of the project and into the development of several aspects of the software, including information on Intellectual Property and general commercial legal issues.

If you are interested in learning more about the project, please contract Joe Seisdedos (joe.seisdedos@wrays.com.au).

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